A collection of our most frequently asked questions about fishkeeping, fish species, aquariums, tank mates, plants, and everything in between, answered by our team of dedicated and passionate experts.
- Do mystery snails leave slime?
- Are mystery snails good for your tank?
- How long can mystery snails go without food?
- Why are they called mystery snails?
- How many mystery snails can I keep in a 10-gallon tank?
- How many eggs do mystery snails lay?
- What do mystery snails eat?
- How long do mystery snails live?
- What do I feed mystery snails?
- What are mystery snails?
- Are celestial pearl danios aggressive?
- Is the celestial pearl danio a schooling fish?
- Will celestial pearl danios eat shrimp?
- Where are celestial pearl danios from?
- What do celestial pearl danios eat?
- Are celestial pearl danios fin-nippers?
- How many celestial pearl danios should be kept in a 5-gallon tank?
- How many celestial pearl danios should be kept in a 10-gallon tank?
- Are celestial pearl danios easy to keep?
- How many celestial pearl danios should be kept together?
- Does Java moss remove nitrates?
- Will cichlids eat Java moss?
- How do you keep Java moss clean?
- Does Java moss produce oxygen?
- Does Java moss need sunlight?
- How long does it take for Java moss to attach to driftwood?
- Will Java moss take over my tank?
- Do fish eat Java moss?
- Can Java moss survive on land?
- How do you plant Java moss on driftwood?
- Can Java moss grow in sand?
- Can Java fern be planted in sand?
- Does Java fern absorb ammonia?
- How long can Java fern live without light?
- Why is my Java fern dying?
- Can you grow Java fern out of water?
- Why do Java ferns turn brown?
- How long does it take for Java fern to attach?
- Does Java fern reduce nitrates?
- How many hours of light does Java fern need?
- Will Java fern attach itself?
- Where should I put Java fern in my aquarium?
- Does Java fern need to be planted?
- How fast do German blue rams grow?
- Why do German blue rams lose color?
- Can German blue rams live with guppies?
- Do German blue rams need caves?
- Do German blue rams need sand?
- Are German blue rams hard to keep?
- Are German blue rams bottom feeders?
- Can you keep German blue rams alone?
- Can German blue rams live with bettas?
- What fish can live with German blue rams?
- Is a German blue ram aggressive?
- How many German blue rams should be kept together?
- Are otos schooling fish?
- Do otocinclus eat cucumbers?
- Do otocinclus need to be kept together?
- Do otocinclus lay eggs?
- How many otos can be kept in a 10-gallon tank?
- Do otocinclus clean glass?
- How often should I feed an otocinclus?
- Do otocinclus produce a lot of waste?
- Can otocinclus live alone?
- How big does an otocinclus get?
- Are otocinclus good algae eaters?
- How many otocinclus should be kept together?
- How long do Siamese algae eaters live?
- What do Siamese algae eaters eat?
- Can Siamese algae eaters live with guppies?
- What is the difference between a flying fox and a Siamese algae eater?
- Are Siamese algae eaters fin nippers?
- How many Siamese algae eaters can I keep in a 20-gallon tank?
- Can betta fish live with Siamese algae eaters?
- How many Siamese algae eaters should I have?
- Do Siamese algae eaters eat algae?
- How big do Siamese algae eaters get?
- Can I keep one Siamese algae eater?
- Are Siamese algae eaters aggressive?
- How many pea puffers can you keep in a 10-gallon tank?
- Are pea puffers hardy?
- What kind of water do pea puffers need?
- What do pea puffers eat?
- What size tank do pea puffers need?
- Do pea puffers eat ramshorn snails?
- Do you have to trim a pea puffer's teeth?
- How long do pea puffers live?
- Can pea puffers live with neon tetras?
- Do pea puffers need live plants?
- Can pea puffers live with bettas?
- What fish can live with pea puffers?
- Can a pea puffer live alone?
- Can you keep shrimp with pea puffers?
- Can I touch a pea puffer?
- Is a pea puffer poisonous?
- Should I remove my fish when doing a water change?
- How often should I clean the gravel in my fish tank?
- Should I feed my goldfish every day?
- How do you know if your goldfish is a boy or girl?
- Do goldfish like music?
- How do I entertain my goldfish?
- Why do goldfish die so easily?
- What are the signs that your goldfish is dying?
- Why do goldfish die after a water change?
- Do goldfish need a heater?
- Can I put my goldfish in tap water?
- How often should I clean my goldfish tank?
- Do goldfish need to be in pairs?
- How do I bring my goldfish back to life?
- Is it ok to touch goldfish?
- Are goldfish good pets?
- Do goldfish die easily?
- How long do goldfish live for?
- Will a goldfish die if you touch it?
- How do you tell if a rainbow shark is a boy or girl?
- Why do rainbow sharks hide?
- Can you put a rainbow shark in a 10-gallon tank?
- Can a rainbow shark live in a 20-gallon tank?
- Why is my rainbow shark turning white?
- Do rainbow sharks jump out of the tank?
- Can you keep shrimp with rainbow sharks?
- Can you keep a rainbow shark with a betta?
- Can two rainbow sharks live together?
- Are rainbow sharks rare?
- Can you keep rainbow sharks with guppies?
- Can a rainbow shark live with neon tetras?
- How many rainbow sharks can live together?
- Are rainbow sharks aggressive?
- What can live with a rainbow shark?
- Can rainbow sharks eat other fish?
- Can you keep two bristlenose plecos together?
- What fish can live with bristlenose plecos?
- What color is a bristlenose pleco?
- Can you keep bristlenose plecos with cory catfish?
- Do bristlenose plecos need a heater?
- Can betta fish live with bristlenose plecos?
- Will bristlenose plecos eat fish eggs?
- Will bristlenose plecos eat fish?
- Do bristlenose plecos eat their babies?
- How long can bristlenose plecos go without food?
- Can bristlenose plecos live in cold water?
- Do bristlenose plecos need wood?
- What temperature do bristlenose plecos need?
- How fast do bristlenose plecos grow?
- How big does a bristlenose pleco get?
- How long does a bristlenose pleco live for?
- Can bristlenose plecos live alone?
- How many bristlenose plecos should be kept together?
- Do cherry shrimp eat fish poop?
- Do cherry shrimp need a heater?
- What is needed for a cherry shrimp tank?
- How many cherry shrimp can you have in a 5-gallon tank?
- How quickly do cherry shrimp grow?
- Are cherry shrimp social?
- Can cherry shrimp live with platies?
- How much do cherry shrimp cost?
- Can cherry shrimp live with guppies?
- Why are my cherry shrimp turning white?
- How many cherry shrimp can you keep in a 10-gallon tank?
- Can cherry shrimp live with neon tetras?
- Are cherry shrimp easy to care for?
- How many cherry shrimp should be kept together?
- Do cherry shrimp clean the tank?
- What fish can cherry shrimp live with?
- How many platies can I put in a 10-gallon tank?
- What do platies need in their tank?
- Do platy fish lay eggs?
- Can platies and mollies live together?
- Are platies cold water fish?
- Do platies need air pumps?
- Can platies live with guppies?
- Are platy fish smart?
- Are platy fish easy to keep?
- Do platies eat their babies?
- How much do platy fish cost?
- Do platies need a filter?
- Are platies hardy?
- Are platies schooling fish?
- Can platies be kept with bettas?
- How long do platy fish live for?
- Are platies aggressive?
- How big do platies get?
- How many platies should be kept together?
- Can you keep just two mollies?
- Do mollies clean the tank?
- How many mollies should be kept together?
- Do mollies need a heater?
- Why do molly fish stay at the top of the tank?
- How many babies do molly fish have?
- Where do molly fish come from?
- How much do molly fish cost?
- How big do molly fish get?
- How many mollies can I put in a 10-gallon tank?
- Do mollies eat their babies?
- How long are molly fish pregnant?
- What is the lifespan of molly fish?
- Are mollies fin nippers?
- Do mollies need an air pump?
- Can mollies live in tap water?
- Why is my molly fish aggressive?
- How do I keep my molly fish happy?
- Are molly fish easy to care for?
- Can you keep just two zebra danios?
- How long can zebra danios go without food?
- How many zebra danios can I put in a 15-gallon tank?
- Do zebra danios need an air pump?
- Why are my zebra danios at the bottom of the tank?
- Can bettas live with zebra danios?
- What is the lifespan of a zebra danio?
- How many times a day should you feed danios?
- Will danios school with guppies?
- Can a zebra danio live alone?
- How do I know if my zebra danios are stressed?
- What fish can live with zebra danios?
- Are zebra danios aggressive?
- How many zebra danios should be kept together?
- Do kuhli loaches need a heater?
- What should I feed my kuhli loach?
- Can kuhli loaches live with neon tetras?
- Can kuhli loaches eat algae wafers?
- Can kuhli loaches live with angelfish?
- Will kuhli loaches eat shrimp?
- Why do my kuhli loaches keep dying?
- Can kuhli loaches be kept in a 5-gallon tank?
- Can bettas live with kuhli loaches?
- Will a kuhli loach eat snails?
- What is the lifespan of a kuhli loach?
- Can I put a kuhli loach in a 10-gallon tank?
- Can I keep just one kuhli loach?
- Do kuhli loaches need to be in groups?
- How many kuhli loaches can be kept in a 5-gallon tank?
- How big of a tank does a kuhli loach need?
- How many kuhli loaches should I get?
- Can ghost shrimp live with neon tetras?
- How do you keep ghost shrimp alive?
- Can ghost shrimp live with guppies?
- Can a ghost shrimp live with a betta?
- How many ghost shrimp can I put in a 10-gallon tank?
- Can ghost shrimp live alone?
- Why is my shrimp dying?
- Is my ghost shrimp dead or molting?
- Is it ok to leave dead shrimp in the tank?
- Is my ghost shrimp male or female?
- Can ghost shrimp live without a heater?
- Why do ghost shrimp jump out of water?
- Why do ghost shrimp turn white?
- Why are my ghost shrimp dying?
- How long do ghost shrimp live for?
- Should I remove dead ghost shrimp?
- What conditions do ghost shrimp need?
- Will ghost shrimp clean my tank?
- Will African dwarf frogs eat dead fish?
- How many African dwarf frogs should be kept together?
- Do African dwarf frogs sing when they are happy?
- Why is my African dwarf frog so fat?
- Do African dwarf frogs need a cycled tank?
- How many African dwarf frogs can you have in a 10-gallon tank?
- Will African dwarf frogs eat tetras?
- How often should I clean my African dwarf frog tank?
- Are African dwarf frogs blind?
- Do African dwarf frogs eat snails?
- Why do African dwarf frogs sing?
- Do African dwarf frogs need a heater?
- Can African dwarf frogs jump out of the tank?
- What do African dwarf frogs need in their tank?
- Can African dwarf frogs live with fish?
- Can you touch African dwarf frogs?
- Do African dwarf frogs need land?
- Can oscars eat guppies?
- Why is my oscar fish laying on its side?
- How do I know if my oscar fish is dying?
- How can I tell if my oscar fish is male or female?
- Can oscar fish eat mussels?
- What size tank do you need for an oscar?
- Do oscar fish have nostrils?
- Are blue oscars real?
- How many oscar fish can you have in a 75-gallon tank?
- What do oscar fish like in their tank?
- Can angelfish live with oscars?
- Do oscar fish like mirrors?
- Do oscar fish recognize their owners?
- What kind of fish can live with oscars?
- How much do oscar fish cost?
- What size tank do I need for two oscars?
- How many oscar fish can stay together?
- How many plecos can live together?
- Can I have two plecos in the same tank?
- Will plecos eat fish poop?
- What fish can be kept with plecos?
- Do pleco fish eat other fish?
- Are plecos good for fish tanks?
- Can plecos live with bettas?
- What is the best food for plecos?
- Does a plecostomus need a heater?
- Can plecos starve?
- Do you need to feed a plecostomus?
- How long until common pleco is full size?
- How do I know if my pleco is healthy?
- What is the lifespan of a pleco?
- How can I tell if my pleco is male or female?
- Can you put two plecos in the same tank?
- How do you take care of a plecostomus?
- Will a plecostomus eat other fish?
- How big do plecos get?
- Do plecos really clean your tank?
- Do dwarf gouramis eat other fish?
- What fish can you put with dwarf gouramis?
- What size tank does a dwarf gourami need?
- How big do dwarf gouramis get?
- How many dwarf gouramis should be kept together?
- Can you have just one dwarf gourami?
- Why are my gourami fish fighting?
- How often should you feed gouramis?
- Will gouramis eat neon tetras?
- How can you tell if a gourami is male or female?
- Can angelfish live with gouramis?
- How long does a gourami live?
- Do gouramis need a heater?
- What's the most peaceful gourami?
- How do I know if my gourami is happy?
- Can gouramis live with guppies?
- Do gouramis eat other fish?
- What fish can live with gouramis?
- How many gouramis should be kept together?
- Are gouramis aggressive?
- Can I put live plants in my cichlid tank?
- How do you tell if your cichlids are happy?
- What is the meanest cichlid?
- How many cichlids can you put in a 55-gallon aquarium?
- Do cichlids prefer sand or gravel?
- What is the easiest cichlid to care for?
- What is normal cichlid behavior?
- Can cichlids live with guppies?
- What do cichlids need in a tank?
- What is the most peaceful cichlid?
- Are cichlids good for beginners?
- Are cichlid fish aggressive?
- Are cichlids hard to keep?
- What is special about cichlids?
- Can cichlids live with other fish?
- Will cory catfish kill my shrimp?
- Will cory catfish eat dead shrimp?
- Can I put three cory catfish in a 10-gallon tank?
- What do cory cats eat?
- Can corydoras live without sand?
- Do cory catfish need a bubbler?
- Do cory catfish eat algae?
- How often do cory catfish lay eggs?
- Why is my cory catfish turning white?
- Why do cory catfish swim to the top?
- How do you know if a cory catfish is stressed?
- Is gravel bad for cory catfish?
- Can cory catfish live with shrimp?
- Can cory catfish live with goldfish?
- How do I know if my cory catfish is dying?
- How many cory catfish can you put in a 10-gallon tank?
- Can you have a single cory catfish?
- How many cory catfish should be kept together?
- Do cory catfish clean the tank?
- Can I keep just one angelfish?
- How many angelfish can you have in a 55-gallon tank?
- How do you calm angelfish down?
- Do angelfish mate for life?
- Can angelfish live without a heater?
- Why are my angelfish kissing?
- Can angelfish lay eggs without a mate?
- Do angelfish recognize their owners?
- How do you know if angelfish are happy?
- Will angelfish kill guppies?
- Do angelfish kill other fish?
- Why do angelfish die so easily?
- Can angelfish live with guppies?
- Are angelfish happy alone?
- How long do angelfish live for?
- Are angelfish hard to keep?
- What fish can angelfish live with?
- How many angelfish can you have in a tank?
- Is it ok to keep just male guppies?
- Can a guppy live alone?
- How do I keep my guppies happy?
- How many days do guppies give birth?
- Can you have two male guppies together?
- Do guppies need light at night?
- Can a dead guppy give birth?
- How do I know if my guppies are happy?
- Are guppies aggressive?
- What is the easiest fish to keep alive?
- How often should guppies be fed?
- How many guppies can you have in a 10-gallon tank?
- Can I put guppies in a 5-gallon tank?
- How long does a guppy live?
- Are guppies easy to take care of?
- Do guppies die easily?
- How many guppies can be in a tank?
- How long can a killifish live out of water?
- Are clown killifish aggressive?
- How many clown killifish should I get?
- Can you mix different types of killifish?
- How long do killifish live?
- Are killifish easy to breed?
- Are killifish bottom feeders?
- Can killifish live with shrimp?
- Will killifish eat small fish?
- Do killifish need an air pump?
- Can killifish live with bettas?
- Can killifish live with neon tetras?
- Are killifish fin nippers?
- What fish can live with killifish?
- Are killifish edible?
- Are killifish hard to keep?
- Do neon tetras eat snails?
- Can I keep two neon tetras?
- Do neon tetras need an air pump?
- Why do neon tetras die easily?
- Are five neon tetras enough?
- Do neon tetras need light at night?
- How big do neon tetras get?
- What fish can live with neon tetras?
- Do neon tetras die easily?
- How many neon tetras should be kept together?
- Are killifish aggressive?
- Are neon tetras more active at night?
- Do neon tetras need darkness?
- Do neon tetras lose color at night?
- Can neon tetras live with guppies?
- Will bettas eat neon tetras?
- Do neon tetras grow fast?
- How many neon tetras can I put in a 10-gallon tank?
- How can I tell if my betta is happy?
- What is a betta’s favorite food?
- Are betta fish easy to take care of?
- Will a betta kill a snail?
- Do bettas need a heater?
- Will a betta fish kill a turtle?
- Are bettas high maintenance?
- Can a betta fish live without a filter?
- What do bettas like in their tank?
- Do bettas like light?
- How do you identify a butterflyfish?
- What do you feed a copperband butterflyfish?
- Can African butterflyfish live together?
- Can you keep different types of butterflyfish together?
- Do butterflyfish have teeth?
- Do butterflyfish lay eggs?
- What body shape does a butterflyfish have?
- Are copperband butterflyfish hard to keep?
- What do you feed butterflyfish?
- Do butterflyfish eat small fish?
- How much does a butterflyfish cost?
- Are butterflyfish fast?
- Are butterflyfish poisonous?
- Why are they called butterflyfish?
- What do butterflyfish need to survive?
- Do betta fish play dead?
- Do bettas like music?
- Why does my betta fish bite me?
- Do bettas eat moss balls?
- How do I know if my female betta is happy?
- Do betta fish like to be touched?
- Do betta fish recognize their owners?
- What can live with a betta?
- How can I play with my betta fish?
- Do betta fish get lonely?