Breeding and Caring for Blood Pigeon Discus: A Guide

If you’re looking for a unique and colorful addition to your aquarium, the blood pigeon discus is an ideal choice. This species of fish has some interesting characteristics that make it stand out from other types of discus. Not only does this eye-catching fish come in beautiful shades of pink, red, yellow and blue but they also have very specific breeding requirements that need to be taken into account when keeping them. On top of all this, there are certain health issues associated with these particular species which require careful monitoring by experienced aquarists. So if you’re interested in learning more about what makes the blood pigeon discus so special then keep reading as we explore their fascinating history and delve deeper into common care tips for this popular pet fish.

Table of Contents:

Overview of Blood Pigeon Discus

Blood Pigeon Discus is a unique and beautiful species of fish that can make an excellent addition to any aquarium. They are native to the Amazon River Basin in South America, where they inhabit slow-moving streams and rivers. Blood Pigeon Discus have a distinctively elongated body shape with pointed fins and striking coloration ranging from deep reds to bright oranges, yellows, blues, greens, and whites.


Blood Pigeon Discus typically reach sizes between 6 – 8 inches when fully grown. They have long bodies with pointed fins that give them a distinctive look compared to other discus varieties. Their colors range from deep reds to bright oranges, yellows, blues, greens and whites which makes them stand out among other freshwater fish species.


Blood Pigeon Discus are peaceful community fish who prefer living in groups of at least six individuals or more for optimal health benefits. In the wild they form large schools as protection against predators but also as social interaction amongst their own kind so it’s important to keep this behavior in mind when stocking your tank accordingly.

The ideal water parameters for keeping Blood Pigeon Discus include temperatures between 78°F – 86°F (25°C – 30°C) pH levels around 6 – 7 with soft acidic water being preferred over hard alkaline waters; hardness should be kept low (below 10 dGH). It is important not to overcrowd the tank as these fish need plenty of space for swimming freely without feeling too cramped or stressed out by their surroundings or tank mates; aim for about 20 gallons per individual if possible. A good filtration system is essential since these fish produce quite a bit of waste due to their size so regular maintenance will help keep the water clean and healthy for all inhabitants within the aquarium environment.

Key Takeaway: Blood Pigeon Discus are a unique and colorful species of fish that make an excellent addition to any aquarium. They should be kept in groups of 6 or more, prefer soft acidic water with temperatures between 78°F – 86°F (25°C – 30°C), and require at least 20 gallons per individual. A good filtration system is essential for optimal health benefits.

Breeding Blood Pigeon Discus

Breeding Blood Pigeon Discus is a rewarding experience for any fish keeper. To ensure success, it’s important to select the right breeding pair and prepare the tank accordingly.

Selecting a Breeding Pair:

When selecting a breeding pair of Blood Pigeon Discus, look for healthy specimens with vibrant colors and good body shape. Avoid pairing two fish that are too similar in size or color as this can lead to hybridization. If possible, try to find pairs from different bloodlines or parents so you can get more diverse offspring.

Preparing the Tank for Breeding:

Before attempting to breed your discus, make sure their tank is properly set up with plenty of hiding places and soft water conditions (pH 6-7). The ideal temperature range should be between 82-86°F (28-30°C). It’s also important to keep nitrate levels low by performing regular water changes and using an efficient filtration system.

Once your discus have paired off, they will begin spawning within 24 hours if conditions are suitable. The female will lay her eggs on flat surfaces such as rocks or leaves while the male fertilizes them externally before they hatch after 2 days at 80°F (27°C). After hatching, feed fry newly hatched brine shrimp every day until they reach 1 inch in length then switch them over to commercial foods like frozen bloodworms or live black worms twice daily until they reach adulthood at around 4 months old when they can be moved into their own tanks if desired.

Common Health Issues in Blood Pigeon Discus

Blood Pigeon Discus are a popular species of freshwater fish, known for their bright colors and peaceful nature. However, like any other pet, they can be prone to health issues if not properly cared for. Knowing the signs of illness and stress in your Blood Pigeon Discus is essential for providing them with proper care and preventing serious health problems from occurring.

Signs of Illness and Stress:

The most common sign that your Blood Pigeon Discus may be ill or stressed is a change in behavior. If you notice that your fish are swimming more slowly than usual or hiding away from other fish, this could indicate an underlying problem. Other signs include loss of appetite, discoloration on the fins or body, cloudy eyes, bulging eyes, red streaks on the body or white spots on the skin (which could indicate parasites).

Prevention and Treatment Strategies:

To prevent illnesses in your Blood Pigeon Discus it’s important to maintain good water quality by regularly testing parameters such as pH levels and nitrate/nitrite levels. Additionally, regular tank maintenance such as cleaning filters should also be done to ensure optimal conditions for your fish. In terms of treatment strategies when illnesses do occur it’s best to consult with a veterinarian who specializes in aquarium fish before attempting any treatments yourself as certain medications can have adverse effects on these sensitive creatures if used incorrectly.

An appropriate diet is key when it comes to keeping healthy Blood Pigeon Discus; they require high-quality food specifically designed for their needs which includes both plant matter (such as algae wafers) as well as live foods (such as brine shrimp). Feeding too much at once can lead to overfeeding which can cause digestive issues, so it is best to only feed what they will consume within five minutes twice daily instead of one large meal per day.

Key Takeaway: Key takeaway: To keep Blood Pigeon Discus healthy, maintain good water quality, provide an appropriate diet of plant matter and live foods, and consult a veterinarian if any illnesses occur.


They require special care, however, as they have specific breeding requirements and may be prone to certain health issues. With the right knowledge and dedication, blood pigeon discus can be a rewarding pet for any fish keeper or enthusiast.

Are you looking for an interesting and rewarding pet fish? Look no further than the blood pigeon discus! This unique species of freshwater tropical fish is both beautiful to look at and relatively easy to care for. They are hardy, peaceful creatures that can bring life and color into any aquarium. With proper research, equipment, maintenance, and a bit of patience they can make great additions to your home or office tank. Let Fishkeepingworld help you get started on this amazing journey with our comprehensive guides full of tips & tricks from experts in the field!

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