Best Ich Treatment For 2025 [Our Reviews and Comparisons]

Ich (Ichthyophthirius multifiliis) is a disease that anyone could encounter, regardless of how well you maintain your aquarium.

The disease is characterized by white spots that appear across the body of fish. As the disease progresses the fish will experience respiratory problems, a lack of appetite, and eventually death.

It is very important that you act quickly once you identify Ich in your tank. There are treatments available that come in many different forms and have been released under different brands. You need to determine which one will give your fish the best chance at survival.

We have compiled a list to help you out. We will discuss some of the most popular Ich treatments and give our view on each one.

Comparison Table

1. Seachem ParaGuard 250ml
  • For freshwater and saltwater
  • Removes a range of pathogens
  • Water changes is unnecessary
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2. Tetra Ich Guard 8 Count
  • Low risk of incorrect doses
  • Less messy than liquids
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3. API Super Ick Cure
API Liquid Super Ick Cure Freshwater Aquarium Fish Medication, 4-oz bottle slide 1 of 8
  • Pre-measured doses
  • Strong and fast-acting
  • Individual packets
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4. Seachem Cupramine Copper 250ml
  • Can be easily removed with carbon
  • Is effective when used properly
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5. Ruby Reef Kick-Ich Aquarium Water Treatment
  • Safe for reef setups
  • Doesn’t stain your tank
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6. Weco Nox-Ich Water Treatment
  • Treats a range of pathogens
  • For marine or freshwater setups
  • Quick and effective
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7. Tetra Lifeguard All-in-One Treatment
  • Treats a range of diseases
  • Easy to work out the correct dose
  • Not messy
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8. Kordon Rid Ich Plus
  • Reliably kills Ich
  • Treats other ectoparasites
  • For marine and freshwater aquariums
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9. Hikari Ich-X Treatment
  • Treats multiple parasites
  • Safe for marine and freshwater fish
  • Effective and quick
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10. Kordon Ich Attack Treatment
  • Usable in saltwater and freshwater
  • Safe for invertebrates
  • Targets multiple pathogens
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Our Best Ich Treatment Reviews and Comparisons

1. Seachem ParaGuard 250ml

Product Highlights

This product is sold in liquid form to be added to your tank in the correct dosage as indicated by the dosing table and bottle cap. It is aldehyde based which is safer than formalin, the latter being toxic and the base of other similar medications. There is a 500ml version available for treating larger tanks.


  • Eradicates ectoparasites, fungal, bacterial, and viral lesions
  • Safe alternative to formalin
  • For marine and freshwater use

What We Like About Seachem ParaGuard 250ml

This is an effective medication that will reliably eradicate Ich, after just a few doses.

It is fast-acting and very easy to apply. The dosing table and cap make it easy to accurately measure the needed dose. Another plus is there is no need to change the water after each dose, which saves you time.

What We Don’t Like About Seachem ParaGuard 250ml

This medication is toxic to invertebrates (corals, shrimps, snails, etc.) or elasmobranchs (sharks and rays).

Some people have reported a problem with secondary infections (such as fin rot) after the Ich has disappeared. These problems are uncommon but may require the purchase of other medications.


  • Dosing table means accurate amounts
  • Suited for freshwater and saltwater
  • Removes a range of pathogens
  • Water changes after each dose is unnecessary


  • Toxic to invertebrates or elasmobranchs
  • Secondary infections may occur

2. Tetra Ich Guard 8 Count

Product Highlights

This medication comes in the form of tablets. They are fast dissolving, so they work quickly. The dosage is pre-measured, which leaves little room for error. Each pack contains 8 tablets


  • Suited for freshwater fish
  • Fast-dissolving tablets
  • Pre-measured doses
  • Treats up to 80 gallons of aquarium water

What We Like About Tetra Ich Guard 8 Count

A convenient product that doesn’t make a mess. Each tablet is pre-measured which means each treatment is the correct dose.

No need to change the water temperature or perform extra water changes, which can be stressful for your fish. You should notice improvements in your fish after a few days.

What We Don’t Like About Tetra Ich Guard 8 Count

These tablets are limited to freshwater aquariums and are unsafe for marine setups. The tank cannot be larger than 80 gallons.


  • Low risk of incorrect doses
  • Tablets are less messy than liquids
  • No need to change the water temperature


  • Not suitable for marine aquariums
  • Tank size is limited to 80 gallons

3. API Super Ick Cure

API Liquid Super Ick Cure Freshwater Aquarium Fish Medication, 4-oz bottle slide 1 of 8

Product Highlights

This product includes 10 packets of pre-measured powdered medication ensuring the correct amount. Suitable for marine and freshwater fish. This medication typically kills the Ich parasite within 24 hours of the initial dose.


  • 10 packets of medication
  • Pre-measured doses
  • Suitable for marine and freshwater fish

What We Like About API Super Ick Cure

API Super Ich Cure is strong and fast-acting. Visible improvements in your fish in under 24 hours. Doses are pre-measured and stored in individual packets, which gives you the correct dosage and no mess every time.

What We Don’t Like About API Super Ick Cure

Not suitable for all your aquatic pets. Though it can be used on marine fish, marine invertebrates respond poorly. It cannot be used in a reef tank, or setups with shrimps or snails.

Scaleless fish are also sensitive to this medication to a lesser extent. It is recommended to use half the dose for them.

The water will become discolored during treatment if you do not remove the activated carbon from your filter before starting treatment. After treatment is completed then restore the activated carbon and change the water.


  • Easy to apply due to pre-measured doses
  • Strong and fast-acting
  • Having doses in individual packets prevents mess


  • Not safe for marine invertebrates
  • Scaleless fish may be sensitive to the medication
  • Discolors the water slightly

4. Seachem Cupramine Copper 250ml

Product Highlights

This medication is designed to remove a range of ectoparasites, including Ich. Seachem Cupramine Copper is suitable for use in marine and freshwater aquariums. It is non-acidic and less toxic to fish than other similar products containing copper sulfate, chloride, and citrate. Doses are measured in drops.


  • Suitable for marine and freshwater fish
  • Remains in solution
  • Can be removed with carbon
  • Non-acidic

What We Like About Seachem Cupramine Copper 250ml

The chemical can be removed from your aquarium using chemical filtration. This is important because any lingering copper in your tank could be toxic to your fish over a long period.

Treatment requires 0.2 ml/L, whereas a toxic dose is 0.8 mg/L. The large difference makes it unlikely that you will poison your fish, as long as directions are followed properly. This medication works well to remove Ich and other parasites.

What We Don’t Like About Seachem Cupramine Copper 250ml

People have exceeded the recommended doses that are toxic to the fish. The medication is measured in drops, which makes it less accurate.

The product is good at removing parasites, but not other pathogens, which is okay if Ich is your only problem. Otherwise, you will need other medications to remove more diseases.

Like many copper-based medications, you cannot use it around invertebrates or elasmobranchs.


  • Cupramine can be easily removed with carbon and chemical filtration
  • A toxic dose is four times the amount of the therapeutic dose
  • Is effective when used properly


  • Not suitable for aquariums with invertebrates or elasmobranchs
  • Only effective on parasites
  • Measured in drops leading to less than accurate measurement

5. Ruby Reef Kick-Ich Aquarium Water Treatment

Product Highlights

Since it does not contain copper, this medication is suitable in aquariums containing invertebrates. It has been formulated to interrupt the infectious stage of Ich in both marine and freshwater setups. The liquid lasts a year when stored at room temperature and can treat tanks up to 100 gallons in volume.


  • Does not contain copper
  • Safe for fish, invertebrates, and plants
  • Suitable for marine and freshwater aquariums
  • Treats up to 100-gallon tanks

What We Like About Ruby Reef Kick-Ich Aquarium Water Treatment

Most Ich treatments contain copper, which is toxic to invertebrates and makes this medicine suited for all aquariums, including coral reefs.

The treatment works well, especially when the parasite is spotted early in its development.

An added bonus is that it will not stain your tank.

What We Don’t Like About Ruby Reef Kick-Ich Aquarium Water Treatment

If Ich has been in your aquarium for a long while, this treatment may not effectively eradicate the disease. It may take up to four weeks.


  • Safe for reef setups
  • Effective when Ich is spotted early on
  • Doesn’t stain your tank


  • Not effective if the Ich is identified after a long stretch
  • Takes a long time to work, up to 4 weeks

6. Weco Nox-Ich Water Treatment

Product Highlights

This is a fast-acting medication designed to combat Ich, as well as a few other pathogens. Each bottle contains 32 oz of liquid. One drop is needed per gallon of either freshwater or saltwater, the parasites are killed upon contact.


  • Kills Ich, velvet, fin rot, chilondonella, and trIchondina
  • Suitable for saltwater and freshwater
  • Need just one drop per gallon of water
  • Kills parasites upon contact

What We Like About Weco Nox-Ich Water Treatment

This treatment is effective at removing Ich and a few other pathogens. Results are noticeable very quickly.

Suitable for all aquarium setups.

What We Don’t Like About Weco Nox-Ich Water Treatment

Half a dose is needed for more sensitive creatures, however, you risk a poor response to the medication.

While the recommendation is one drop per gallon of water this product does not include a dropper, which could lead to measurement inaccuracies.

Some people with acrylic tanks have reported that the medication will stain.


  • Treats a range of pathogens
  • Suitable for marine or freshwater setups
  • Quick and effective


  • Does not come with a dropper
  • Sensitive creatures (such as invertebrates) may be at risk
  • Could stain acrylic tanks

7. Tetra Lifeguard All-in-One Treatment

Product Highlights

Tetra Lifeguard All-in-One Treatment is a medication to treat Ich and many other bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Each pack contains 32 tablets. This product is only for freshwater aquariums.


  • 32 tablets
  • Non-antibiotic agent
  • Eradicates bacteria, viruses, and parasites
  • Suited for freshwater aquariums

What We Like About Tetra Lifeguard All-in-One Treatment

This medication works very well and treats freshwater fish. The tablet form makes it simple to add correct doses to your aquarium. This is ideal for people who haven’t used fish medications before.
Once the Ich has cleared up, this product will treat other pathogens as they arise.

What We Don’t Like About Tetra Lifeguard All-in-One Treatment

This product cannot be used with invertebrates or elasmobranchs in your freshwater aquarium. This information is not on the packaging, which could lead to some fatal mistakes.

Unfortunately, this product cannot be used at all in marine setups.


  • Treats a range of diseases
  • Easy to work out the correct dose
  • Not messy


  • Not suitable for marine tanks
  • Not suitable for invertebrates or elasmobranchs

8. Kordon Rid Ich Plus

Product Highlights

This product combines two medications to control external parasites, including Ich. Each bottle contains 16 fluid ounces of liquid, which should be added to your tank in the indicated doses. It is suitable for freshwater and saltwater aquariums.


  • Bottle contains 16 fluid ounces
  • Combines two medications
  • Suitable for saltwater and freshwater
  • Eradicates external parasites

What We Like About Kordon Rid Ich Plus

This product is very good at treating Ich after a course of treatments. This versatile medication also eradicates other ectoparasites. Suitable in saltwater and freshwater.

What We Don’t Like About Kordon Rid Ich Plus

Copper in the medication makes it unsuitable for invertebrates and other copper-sensitive creatures. This limits people from including invertebrates (such as apple snails) to their aquariums.

Before each treatment, it is suggested that you perform a 25% water change, which is a time-consuming process.


  • Reliably kills Ich
  • Treats other ectoparasites
  • Suited for both marine and freshwater aquariums


  • Not suitable for copper-sensitive creatures (e.g. invertebrates)
  • Requires water changes

9. Hikari Ich-X Treatment

Product Highlights

Hikari Ich-X Treatment is a sulfur-based liquid medication designed to eradicate Ich and other parasites. Using this soon after infection will kill Ich quickly. It is suitable for marine and freshwater aquariums, but not for invertebrates.


  • Each bottle is 16 fluid ounces
  • Treats Ich, velvet, cryptocaryonaisis, trIchodiniasis, and saprolegniasis
  • For marine and freshwater aquariums

What We Like About Hikari Ich-X Treatment

When caught early, this product removes Ich quickly both in freshwater and saltwater aquariums. It treats multiple pathogens should they come up.

What We Don’t Like About Hikari Ich-X Treatment

The liquid will turn your water slightly blue. After treatment, the water will turn clear again through filtration and partial water changes.

Clear plastic may become stained. It is not recommended for acrylic tanks.
Be cautious not to include other products containing sulfur. Read the packaging carefully. Even water conditioners could contain sulfur.

This is another product that could harm your invertebrates, so keep them separate when administering treatment.


  • Treats multiple parasites
  • Safe for marine and freshwater fish
  • Effective and quick, especially if Ich is spotted early


  • Incompatible with sulfur based products
  • Stains plastic and acrylic
  • Harmful to invertebrates

10. Kordon Ich Attack Treatment

Product Highlights

Kordon Ich Attack targets single-celled infections, such as protozoan parasites and fungi. It is one of three herbal treatments based on the use of naphthoquinones. This medication is safe for use in freshwater and saltwater aquariums, including reef tanks.


  • 16 fluid ounces
  • Targets Ich, protozoans, and dinoflagellates
  • Suitable for freshwater and saltwater
  • Reef safe

What We Like About Kordon Ich Attack Treatment

Since this medication does not contain copper, it can be used in most aquariums. It will not hurt your invertebrates, including corals in a reef setup.

You can use this to treat a selection of single-celled pathogens that can help you out if you experience other problems after the Ich disappears.

While many liquid treatments can stain, this one doesn’t appear to.

What We Don’t Like About Kordon Ich Attack Treatment

Most people find that Kordon Ich Attack Treatment successfully removes Ich after just a few doses, but there are too many reports claiming it to be ineffective. This may be due to the alternative ingredients from normal medications, but it is the price to pay for an invertebrate-safe product.


  • Usable in saltwater and freshwater
  • Safe for invertebrates
  • Targets multiple pathogens
  • Does not stain


  • Not as reliable as other products

Final Verdict

The ich treatment that is right for you will depend on a few factors, primarily what creatures you have in your tank. For example, keeping Ghost shrimp rules many of these treatments out.

A way around this is to separate your infected fish to a quarantine tank and treat them there, but not everybody has the extra equipment for this.

If you only have fish, then Seachem ParaGuard 250ml is an effective treatment. You will see a quick improvement in your fish, but you should monitor their health closely for a while afterward to check for any further problems.

Those of you with invertebrates may have to try Kordon Ich Attack Treatment. Due to its herbal nature, it is safe for most creatures. It isn’t the most reliable though, so separating your fish and trying a different product could be more effective.

People with reef setups may want to try Ruby Reef Kick-Ich Aquarium Water Treatment. It is fine for use with corals. Hopefully, you will have caught the disease early because this treatment takes longer to eradicate diseases.

About Robert 468 Articles
Robert Woods is the creator of FishKeeping World, a third-generation fish keeper, and a graduate in animal welfare and behavior. He is also a proud member of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, the Marine Aquarium Societies of North America, and the Nature Conservancy.

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