Why Is My Betta Fish Shaking? Here’s What You Need to Know

When it comes to pet fish, few are as popular or beloved as the betta. As beautiful and friendly companions, they bring joy to their owners – but what happens when your betta starts shaking? My betta fish shaking is something I recently encountered in my own tank, and it left me feeling scared for my little friend’s health. Thankfully there are steps you can take to understand why your betta might be trembling and how best to treat them if necessary. In this blog post we’ll look at understanding why a betta may shake, treating any underlying causes of tremors, and caring for your finned buddy after treatment has been completed. Let’s dive into exploring “my Betta Fish Shaking” together.

Table of Contents:

Understanding Betta Fish Shaking

What is Betta Fish Shaking?

Betta fish shaking is a common issue that can be caused by a variety of factors. It occurs when the betta fish’s body shakes or vibrates, usually in short bursts. This behavior can be seen as a sign of stress or illness and should not be ignored.

Causes of Betta Fish Shaking

There are several potential causes for betta fish shaking, including poor water quality, disease, and stress. Poor water quality can cause the fish to become stressed which may lead to them shaking their bodies as an attempt to relieve this stress. Disease such as fin rot or parasites can also cause the fish to shake due to discomfort from these illnesses. Stress from overcrowding or sudden changes in environment may also lead to this behavior in bettas.

Signs and Symptoms of Betta Fish Shaking

By understanding the causes, signs, and symptoms of Betta Fish Shaking, we can move forward to learning about treatments and preventative measures.

Treating Betta Fish Shaking

Home Remedies for Betta Fish Shaking

Betta fish shaking can be treated with home remedies, such as increasing the water temperature and adding aquarium salt to the tank. Increasing the water temperature helps reduce stress on betta fish, which is one of the main causes of shaking. Adding aquarium salt to the tank helps reduce inflammation in betta fish and can help treat any underlying infections that may be causing them to shake. It’s important to note that you should only use a small amount of aquarium salt, as too much can be harmful for your betta fish.

Professional Treatment Options for Betta Fish Shaking

If home remedies don’t seem to work or if your betta fish is still showing signs of distress after trying these treatments, it’s best to take them to a vet who specializes in treating pet fishes. The vet will likely do some tests on your betta fish and prescribe medication depending on what they find out from those tests. This could include antibiotics or other medications designed specifically for treating illnesses related to shaking in betta fishes.

Preventing Future Occurrences of Betta Fish Shaking

Treating Betta Fish Shaking is a crucial part of keeping your pet healthy and happy. Now that you have treated the shaking, it’s important to know how to care for your fish after treatment in order to maintain their health and well-being.

Key Takeaway: To prevent future occurrences of betta fish shaking, it’s important to: 1. Keep the water temperature at an optimal level for bettas 2. Only add a small amount of aquarium salt to the tank 3. Seek professional help if home remedies don’t seem to work

Caring for Your Betta Fish After Treatment for Shaking

After treating your betta fish for shaking, it is important to take steps to ensure their continued health and wellbeing. Diet and nutrition are key components of this care. Betta fish should be fed a variety of foods that contain essential vitamins and minerals such as frozen or freeze-dried bloodworms, brine shrimp, daphnia, tubifex worms, spirulina flakes or pellets. Feeding two small meals per day is recommended rather than one large meal as overfeeding can lead to digestive issues in bettas.

Cleaning and maintenance are also important aspects of caring for your betta after treatment for shaking. Regular water changes should be done at least once a week with dechlorinated water that matches the temperature of the tank’s current water level. Additionally, gravel vacuuming should be done every other week to remove any debris from the bottom of the tank that could cause problems if left unattended.

Finally, monitoring your betta’s health post-treatment is crucial in order to catch any potential issues early on before they become more serious problems down the line. Pay attention to signs such as appetite changes or swimming behavior abnormalities which may indicate underlying health concerns that need addressing by a veterinarian specializing in aquatic animals if necessary. Regular checkups with an experienced vet can also help identify potential issues before they become major ones, providing you with peace of mind when it comes to keeping your pet healthy long term.


Overall, my betta fish shaking can be a sign of distress or illness. It is important to take the necessary steps to ensure that your betta fish is healthy and happy. By understanding what causes your betta fish to shake, treating it accordingly, and providing proper care after treatment, you can help ensure that your pet remains in good health for years to come.

If you’re a fish keeper who has noticed your betta fish shaking, it’s important to take action and figure out what could be causing this behavior. Don’t wait too long – find the answers now! Look for signs of illness or infection, check water parameters such as temperature and pH levels, observe any changes in diet or activity level. If necessary, seek help from an experienced veterinarian so that your beloved pet can get back to its happy swimming self again soon!

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