Caring for Lampeye Tetra in the Home Aquarium

If you’re looking for an exciting and low-maintenance fish to add to your home aquarium, then the lampeye tetra is a great choice. These small but vibrant freshwater fish are both visually appealing and easy to care for. They’re also very peaceful in nature which makes them ideal if you plan on adding other species of fish alongside them. But before bringing these colorful creatures into your tank, it’s important that you understand how best to set up their environment as well as what type of care they need in order to thrive. Read on for everything you need know about keeping lampeye tetras happy and healthy at home.

Table of Contents:

Overview of Lampeye Tetra

Lampeye Tetra (Aplocheilus lineatus) is a small, peaceful fish that makes an excellent addition to any community aquarium. They are native to South America and can be found in slow-moving streams and rivers. Lampeyes have a silver body with black stripes running along the sides of their bodies. The most distinctive feature of these fish is their large eyes which give them their name – lampeye means “light eye” in Latin.

Physical Characteristics:

Lampeye tetras grow up to 2 inches long and have an average lifespan of 5 years or more when kept in ideal conditions. Their coloration varies from yellowish-green to blue depending on the water temperature and pH levels, but they all share the same black stripe pattern down both sides of their bodies.

Natural Habitat:

In nature, Lampeyes inhabit shallow waters with plenty of vegetation for cover such as slow moving streams or ponds located in South America including Brazil, Guyana, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru and Ecuador. These areas typically have soft acidic water with temperatures ranging between 72°F – 82°F (22°C – 28°C).

In captivity, they should be fed a variety of high-quality foods such as freeze-dried bloodworms or brine shrimp along with flake food for optimal health and growth rates.

Setting Up the Aquarium for Lampeye Tetra

When setting up an aquarium for Lampeye Tetra, it is important to consider the tank size and filtration requirements, water parameters and temperature range, as well as decorations and substrate options.

Tank Size and Filtration Requirements:

A 10-gallon tank is a suitable size for keeping Lampeye Tetra in groups of 6 or more. It’s best to use a filter with moderate flow rate that can keep the water clean without creating too much turbulence in the tank. Additionally, regular partial water changes should be done every two weeks to maintain good water quality.

Water Parameters and Temperature Range:

The ideal pH level for Lampeye Tetra ranges from 6.0 – 7.5 while the hardness should be kept between 5 – 15 dGH (degrees General Hardness). The optimal temperature range is between 72°F – 79°F (22°C – 26°C).

When decorating your aquarium, choose natural looking plants such as Java Moss or Anubias which are easy to care for since they don’t require any additional lighting or fertilizers. As far as substrate goes, sand works best since these fish like to dig around in search of food at times; however, gravel can also work if you prefer its aesthetic over that of sand.

Caring for Lampeye Tetra in the Home Aquarium

Lampeye tetra, also known as the red-eye tetra, is a popular species of fish among pet owners. These small fish are native to South America and can be found in slow-moving rivers and streams. Lampeye tetras have an elongated body with a bright yellow coloration that fades into silver near the tail fin. They have distinctive red eyes which give them their name.

Social Behaviors and Compatibility with Other Fish Species: Lampeyes are peaceful fish that do well when kept in groups of at least six individuals or more. They should not be kept with aggressive tank mates such as cichlids or larger predatory species like catfish. Good tankmates for lampeyes include other peaceful schooling fish such as danios, rasboras, hatchetfish, pencilfish, and gouramis.

Breeding Lampeye Tetra in the Home Aquarium:

Breeding lampeyes is relatively easy if you provide them with optimal water conditions including soft acidic water (pH 6 – 7) temperatures between 75°F – 82°F (24°C – 28°C). The aquarium should also contain plenty of hiding places where they can lay eggs on plants or other surfaces away from predators like adult males who may eat their own fry. To encourage spawning it’s best to feed your lampeyes live food such as brine shrimp or bloodworms several times per week while keeping up regular partial water changes every two weeks or so to maintain good water quality.

To prevent these illnesses, it is important to keep up regular maintenance on your aquarium. This includes weekly partial water changes using dechlorinated tap water and testing pH levels regularly with a reliable test kit available at most pet stores. If any illness does occur, it should be treated promptly using medications specifically designed for treating freshwater tropical diseases, which can be found online or at local pet stores.

Key Takeaway: Lampeye tetras are peaceful fish that should be kept in groups of at least 6 and make good tankmates with other peaceful species. To encourage breeding, provide optimal water conditions (pH 6-7, 75°F – 82°F) and feed live food several times per week. Regular partial water changes and testing pH levels can help prevent illness.


Lampeye tetra are a great choice for any pet fish enthusiast looking to add some color and activity to their home aquarium. With the right setup, care, and maintenance they can be an enjoyable addition to your tank. Whether you’re just starting out or have been keeping fish for years, lampeye tetra make a great addition that will bring life and energy into your aquarium.

Are you looking for a new pet fish to add some color and activity to your aquarium? Look no further than the Lampeye Tetra! This small, peaceful species is perfect for beginners or experienced aquarists alike. Not only are they easy to care for but their bright colors make them stand out in any tank. With proper water parameters, diet, and tank mates these little swimmers can thrive and bring life into any home aquarium. So what are you waiting for? Get started with Lampeye Tetras today!

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